Gleneagles 4th of July Golf Ball DropGleneagles 4th of July Golf Ball Drop
Location:5401 West Park Blvd.
Plano, TX 75093-4199
United States

4th of July Golf Ball Drop at Gleneagles Country Club
7:00 p.m. ball drop on the Gleneagles driving range
$20 per ball or 3 for $50
Purchase a ball for your chance to win $500!

Kidd's Kids (Kraddick Foundation) - Kidd’s Kids is a charity devoted to families touched by tragedy or disease, families who rarely saw a smile on their children’s faces, families who struggled with serious economic strangleholds due to the high cost of medical care and deserved a few days of happiness. The charity features a full charter plane trip to Disney World. To this day, the charity remains a family affair- a family that includes all of the children, their loving care-takers and families, and the Kidd’s Kids staff working in tandem. Together, they create memories that most thought were impossible. For this, Kidd Kraddick and Kidd’s Kids, shall always be remembered. Learn more about Kidd's Kids by clicking here.

tennis tournamenttennis tournament
Location:340 West Dallas
Houston, TX 77002
United States

tennis tournament and auction