Clinical Trials World View
Use the Trial Map to view ALS clinical trials based on location. You can log in or Create an account to bookmark and make notes. For a more personalized list of trials that match your criteria, check out our Guided Trial Finder.
Clinical Trials World View
Use the Trial Map to view ALS clinical trials based on location. You can log in or Create an account to bookmark and make notes. For a more personalized list of trials that match your criteria, check out our Guided Trial Finder.
Remote Trials ({{types[0].Total}})
{{!$first ? ', ' : ''}}{{label}}
Sponsor: {{t.Sponsor}}
Intervention(s): {{t.DrugName}}

Duration: {{t.Duration}}
Enrollment: {{t.Enrollment|number}}
{{t.Locations.length|number}} locations
No Results
{{!$first ? ', ' : ''}}{{label}}
Sponsor: {{t.Sponsor}}
Intervention(s): {{t.DrugName}}
Phase: {{t.Phase}}
Status: {{t.Status}}
Enrollment: {{t.Enrollment|number}}
{{t.Locations.length|number}} locations
ALS TDI strives to ensure that all information in the ALS Trial Navigator is as accurate and up-to-date as possible. If you believe you have found any incorrect or out-of-date information, please contact
Thank You to Our Sponsors
Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma
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