Interventional {{label}}

A Study of GDC-0134 to Determine Initial Safety, Tolerability, and Pharmacokinetic Parameters in Participants With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis


{{trial.Sponsor}} {{trial.Sponsor}}
Approved by FDA
Approved outside USA
Is a supplement


Enrollment Criteria

{{trial.ExternalId}} (First Published: {{trial.FirstPublishedDate|date}} on {{trial.SourceName}})
This first-in-human, double-blind, placebo-controlled Phase I study will be conducted in participants with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) to explore safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetic (PK) properties of GDC-0134. It will include three components: a Single-Ascending-Dose (SAD) stage, a Multiple-Ascending-Dose (MAD) stage, and an Open-Label Safety Expansion (OSE) stage.

In the experimental arm of the study, participants in multiple cohorts and treatment periods will receive single doses of GDC-0134 under fed/fasting conditions. In the placebo arm, participants in multiple cohorts and treatment periods will receive single doses of placebo under fed/fasting conditions.

18 years and older; both genders; no healthy volunteers, Currently taking edaravone unless after completion of at least the second 14-day drug-treatment period, as long as Day 1 occurs during a drug-free period at least 24 hours after the last edaravone dose and at least 5 days prior to the first dose of the next cycle

{{location.City !== '' ? location.City + ',' : ''}} {{location.RegionAbbreviation}} {{location.PostalCode}} {{location.Country}}
{{location.Facility !== '' ? location.Facility + ',' : ''}} {{location.City !== '' ? location.City + ',' : ''}} {{location.RegionAbbreviation}} {{location.PostalCode}} {{location.Country}}
Location Contact: {{location.Contact.Name}} {{location.Contact.Name}} Phone: {{location.Contact.Phone}}
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ALS Research Collaborative
Thank You to Our Sponsors
Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma