Interventional {{label}}

Clinical Trial Nuedexta in Subjects With ALS


{{trial.Sponsor}} {{trial.Sponsor}}
Approved by FDA
Approved outside USA
Is a supplement


Enrollment Criteria

{{trial.ExternalId}} (First Published: {{trial.FirstPublishedDate|date}} on {{trial.SourceName}})
The purpose of this study is to determine whether Nuedexta is effective in the treatment of symptoms (impaired speech, swallowing, and saliva control) associated with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).

Nuedexta®, approved for the treatment of labile emotionality (pseudobulbar affect) that occurs in association with ALS and other neurological disorders, has been observed to improve bulbar function, primarily speech and swallowing, in a number of neurological disorders, including ALS. The basis for this is conjectural but likely due to a direct effect of the drug on motor neurons in the part of the brain that controls speech and swallowing. The same part of the brain appears to modulate the expression of emotions and interestingly the site of action of the drug is the same as a site that has been implicated in a juvenile form of ALS. This is a multicenter, randomized double-blind, placebo controlled, cross over study evaluating the palliative effect of Nuedexta® on bulbar dysfunction. It is expected that approximately 60 ALS patients from 7 clinical centers in the US will be enrolled.

18+, all genders, no healthy volunteers, see protocol

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{{location.Facility !== '' ? location.Facility + ',' : ''}} {{location.City !== '' ? location.City + ',' : ''}} {{location.RegionAbbreviation}} {{location.PostalCode}} {{location.Country}}
Location Contact: {{location.Contact.Name}} {{location.Contact.Name}} Phone: {{location.Contact.Phone}}
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ALS Research Collaborative
Thank You to Our Sponsors
Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma