ALS Research Collaborative
Your Story. Our Science.
Building Hope in ALS Research.
Join our ALS study
Join the ARC Study
Advance ALS research from home by sharing your story.
If you're living with ALS or an asymptomatic gene carrier, your participation in the ALS Research Collaborative (ARC) can help to inform our research to find treatments for ALS – and it can all be done from home.
What is the ARC Study?
ARC is an ongoing observational study that invites people with ALS to share their story by contributing data about their family, work, medical history, and more – and it can all be done from home! Your information has the potential to reveal new risk factors for ALS – and potential avenues for treatment.
What Makes ARC Unique?
  • Participate from Home
    Participate from Home
    Anyone with ALS can participate in the ALS study from home.
  • Global Impact
    Global Impact
    ARC data is de-identified and shared to advance global ALS research.
  • Ever Evolving
    Participation in the ARC study will continue to grow, and we aim to add new data types to build upon the wealth of information housed in the ARC Data Commons.
  • Over Eight Years of Data
    Over Eight Years of Data
    ARC is an evolution of ALS TDI's Precision Medicine Program (PMP), the longest-running natural history study in ALS.
  • Comprehensive Data
    Comprehensive Data
    The ARC study captures data related to biology, symptoms, and lifestyle.
  • View Your Data
    View Your Data
    All ARC participants can view their own data in a personalized online portal.
  • Won't End Until We END ALS
    Won't End Until We END ALS
    We intend to continue the ARC study until we have the knowledge to develop effective treatments for everyone with ALS.
Access Your Own ALS Data
As an ARC study participant, you have access to a personalized portal where you can view your own data and monitor changes in your symptoms.
You may choose to share these data with your healthcare team to monitor interventions and make informed decisions about your treatment.
View Your Own Data
Impact of ARC Data
  • Dr. Anoopum Gupta: Collaborating with ALS TDI to Advance More Accurate Digital Biomarkers for ALS
    ALS TDI speaks with Dr. Gupta to learn how new digital biomarkers could pave the way for f...
  • ALS Therapy Development Institute, Answer ALS, and Microsoft Announce Groundbreaking Data Sharing Collaboration
    ALS Therapy Development Institute, Answer ALS, and Microsoft Announce Groundbreaking Data ...
  • ALS TDI Awarded CDC Funding to Accelerate Identification of ALS Risk Factors
    ALS TDI has received a substantial grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Preventi...
Tavares Speer
I just feel like I'm working right with the researchers and the scientists. I'm actually a part of the research. Whatever time I have here, I'm going to try to use it to spread the word, he says to spread awareness, and hopefully to help find a cure.”
— Tavares Speer, ARC Study participant, living with ALS
What Data Can ARC Participants Share?
All data submitted through ARC is de-identified and you have the option to choose what data you submit.
By signing up for ARC, you may be asked for data related to:
Personal Background
Personal Background
Complete surveys on topics such as family history, geography, lifestyle, medical history, occupation, and your ALS experience.
Sample Collection
Sample Collection
Participants who meet specific criteria* can conveniently provide blood samples from home through monthly visits by an in-home phlebotomist.
Electronic Health Records
Electronic Health Records
You have the option to easily integrate your Electronic Health Records (EHRs) into the ARC study. An EHR is an electronic version of a patient's history and care that is maintained by their medical provider over time.
ALSFRS-R Tracking
ALSFRS-R Tracking
Complete an online ALSFRS-R** survey once a month.
Speech Tracking
Speech Tracking
Record a few sample phrases each month to assess changes in your speech.
Genetic Screening
Genetic Screening***
Participants who meet specific criteria* will be provided with genetic testing information.
Movement Tracking
Movement Tracking
Participants who meet specific criteria* will be provided with accelerometers on a monthly basis to quantify movement.
*If you meet these criteria, you will be contacted by a member of our Clinical Operations Team
**The Revised ALS Functional Rating Scale (ALSFRS-R) is a questionnaire-based scale used to measure participant s ability to perform physical activities in everyday life
***Genetic testing for the ARC study does not provide a clinical-grade genetic test
How ARC Data Advances ALS Research
Drug Target Discovery
Drug Target Discovery
We study participant data to find new drug targets and identify the ALS populations for which they are most relevant.
Identification of Promising Drugs
Identification of Promising Drugs
We test potential ALS treatments in induced pluripotent stem cell models that were developed from ARC participants' samples.
Biomarker Discovery
Biomarker Discovery
We analyze blood, movement, and voice data to identify new biomarkers that can better track ALS disease progression.
The Global Impact of ARC Data
Through the newly launched ARC Data Commons – a cloud-based data-sharing platform – ALS TDI can now share these de-identified data from people with ALS around the world. The ARC Data Commons invites researchers from across the ALS space to easily search and analyze these data so that they can better define ALS patient subsets and discover targets for drugs.
How ARC Data are Shared
Unlock the Power of Your Story
As a partner in the ARC study, you will be invited to contribute data about your medical history, lifestyle, and/or disease progression. The more data that we have, the more we can learn about why ALS impacts people so differently, and how to effectively treat it.
The ARC Study is an evolution of the Precision Medicine Program (PMP). To learn more, click here.
Phil Green
There is value in having access to data that shows if a therapy, supplement, or other intervention is helping slow (or even accelerate) your disease progression.”
— Phil Green, ARC Study participant, living with ALS
The Evolution of ARC
ARC is an evolution of ALS TDI's Precision Medicine Program (PMP) – the longest-running natural history study in ALS. The PMP was initially made possible through funds raised by the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge and ALS TDI will continue to collect data through the ARC study.
Now, the ARC Data Commons will provide access to all data collected by the PMP since it began in 2014, as well as continue to integrate data from multiple ALS clinical research programs.
Evolution of ARC